Before the hyper-growth of the first kingdom a meteor hit the central island. This meteor ended up being the material ‘Mirra’. Discovered when a mage tried to break it using gravity magic, the meteor reflected the spell. The first king determined that this material could be harvested and used to advance their goal of harmonizing the people.
One of the first uses of Mirra was the method of magic-refraction or the splitting of magic’s basic properties. Through experimentation, synthetic magic was developed. The smiths of this new type of magic rose in society as the main driver of Spectra’s advancement.
Spectra Prism

A. The housing of the spectra prism acts as a sponge for magic. It allows for the passage of magic through its material. The housing is made of tephrite.
B. Mirra-prism: refracts the magic on collision, breaking it up to its fundamental properties.
C. Spectralium cage: Conducts the magic through the prism to the center and then out again when it is completely refracted.
Spectra Orb

A. Orb Housing contains the magic by being lined with a spectralium cage.
B. Magic Emitter: Holds the magic and acts as the sparking element for releasing magic.
c. Spectralium cage: When the two cages collide, they ignite and cause the emitter to release magic.
Synthetic Magic Smithing

A. Magic materials are introduced into a de-stabilizer, the funnel separates out non-magic elements.
B. Filtered Magic then drips into the prism which refracts the magic to its basic properties.
C. The magic properties are projected into the emitter which recombines into a new type of synthetic magic.
Properties of Magic (A.S.V.)

After the refraction method was developed, magic’s fundamentals started to unfold. Composed of three properties that could be tuned through refraction. Making adjustments to the refraction method allowed for new magics to be developed. One such example being Lumen Flame, a type of fire that exhibited no heat but was bright as a star.
The three properties of magic included: astral (historical properties), spatial (physical), and visceral (perceived). These properties were determined by elevating their A.S.V. ratios (i.e. 100% A, 0% S, 0% V).
One of the offsets of developing and using this new type of magic is it’s half-life. After magic leaves the conductive material (Spectralium) it is quick to dissipate. This depends on the levels of refraction used to create it (i.e. 2-levels of refraction = 1/3 half-life).