
The Red Gourd

The Red Gourd In all my journeys through the lush forest of the highlands, I had never seen it before. I’ve walked this path many times. Never steering from the direction my memories lead me. Years of walking among these trees. I’ve seen the large Isle of Spectra, from ‘Leaping Fires’ territory to the Drifting […]



In the land of Spectra there are many types of animals, but only one that is magic sensitive and sentient. The poppy is a rare creature that can command magic. Their greatest attack literally causes one’s spirit to leave it’s body. Poppi are protected by the kingdom as they are poached for their fur which […]

Royal Guard of Spectra

Spectralium & Mirra-Metal

There are two materials driving the modernization of Spectra. Spectralium The combination of two components: a brass-like metal for its conductive properties and an element called rhenium for its ability to resist the degradation caused by magic. Together these create the alloy which was later deemed Spectralium. The alloy is an ancient secret, discovered long […]

Summoner Conjuring a Lesser Spirit

Synthetic Magic and the Magic-Smiths

Before the hyper-growth of the first kingdom a meteor hit the central island. This meteor ended up being the material ‘Mirra’. Discovered when a mage tried to break it using gravity magic, the meteor reflected the spell. The first king determined that this material could be harvested and used to advance their goal of harmonizing […]

Running Flame Member

Running Flame (Mage-Cult)

A nomadic tribe of fire wielding mages, Running Flame is one of the youngest cults of the world. The Mages of energy are descendants of the Ground Swellers. Unfortunately they cannot manipulate energy without Spectralium (the material that allows for mages to conduct magic). Abilities Their ability to conduct fire is their key to survival. […]

Ground Sweller Member

Ground Swellers (Mage-Cult)

These ancient conductors of magic utilize the world and it’s natural elements to survive. They are the root birth of mages within Spectra, all other exchangeable magic users come from the Ground Swellers. Abilities The natural world is their domain. Everything from grass to simple forms of life are the Ground-Swellers’ tool. Like many other […]

Sea Spirits (Mage-Cult)

These dwellers of the sea are descendants of Ground-Swellers. They have adapted to the ocean and thus control the parameter of Spectra. Though they have a command of the sea, they do not attack land-dwellers unless they trespass. Abilities With the ability to control hydrodynamics, the Sea-Spirits are powerful. They are able to move entire […]

Mandible and Ape

Council of Demise (Mage-Cult)

The cult of demise collects souls. They do not seek out living beings, but rather recently passed individuals. There are only ever four in the Council. Each member contributes to the collective of souls that circulates throughout the world, essentially they act as distributors of the Essentia magic. When a member is destroyed, they are […]

Warrior Portrait


Warriors are constructed soldiers by the Mage-Cult: Collective of Exchange. They take skeletal structures and rebind them with flesh and blood. These soldiers have hardly any Essentia, but become conscripts of the Mage-Cult. Some escape and are recruit-able in the Prism Foundry. Abilities, Equipment, and Stats Mirra Blade Able to reflect magic, the Warrior’s blade […]

Thief Portrait


Thieves are not very common and often maligned in the kingdom. They can be recruited outside of most smaller towns and villages. Abilities and Equipment Thieves tend to stick to one type of magic, gravity. While they aren’t incredibly adept at the skill, they use the magic to great benefit in stealth. The thief’s first […]